Rachel taking time out to pose for a picture in the Dinosaur Dig area outside the TRex Restaurant!

Rachel and JT digging for dinosaur fossils!!!!

Happy New Year to everyone! I hope 2009 has been great for everyone! We have had a very relaxing couple of days, it has been awesome. Yesterday we just hung out and today we headed over to Downtown Disney for a few hours. It was SO beautiful out today. The kids had a blast.
Now we used to do DTD what I thought was the fun way. We would go, get some lunch, play at the Lego store, go to the World of Disney store etc. The difference between then and now is well , we have no money now!!! Simple right? Well, we actually did not have money then either, except now we know it and admit it! And this simple act of having to live differently now, well it has turned out to be more fun than before.
Like I said, before we would go to the different stores. Before we would fill up a box full of Mr. Potato Head toys or My Little Pony toys (a steal at 18.95 right...NOT). We would fill it up, take it home and there it would sit. Played with some of the time, but mostly it would just sit. We may go for lunch at Rainforest Cafe! That definately sets you back. Now, we go and spend about twenty minutes at the Mr. Potato Head section and just PLAY! Then we leave it all there, no box, and move onto the My Little Pony section and play there for a bit, then off we go, again no box in hand!!! And guess what, they were totally fine! Had a ton of fun!
Today, we took the boat over to Port Orleans Riverside resort. Free ride and the kids love it. When we got there, we walked around and looked at all the decorations still up from Christmas.
Then, it was lunchtime so we did go to the food court, Rachel and JT split a kids meal for 4.50 and Gary and I decided we will just eat at home later. So we "did" lunch for less than $5.00!! woohoo We finished it off with about 45 minutes at the playground, always the best fun for Rach and JT. Then back on the boat, for a leisurely 15 minute ride back.
Back at DTD we HAD to check out the TRex restaurant...or at least the outer part of the restaurant! We were able to see the dinosaurs come alive...should've taken a picture of that, but didn't. Glanced at the "Build a Dino" store and of course passed it by. Then went outside to the dino dig area. The kids had so much fun digging for fossils, we must have been there about 45 minutes. It was all free fun! We were going to pan for gold until we found out that we had to pay four dollars for that....feel so cheap but we skipped that! Then onto the Lego store to try and build some cars out front........however it was a ZOO so off we headed home. Not bad for an afternoon under $5!!!
Tonight, we got home, made some dinner and watched a movie together for a Family Movie Night!!! A perfect end to a fun family day!!!
So, I am learning that fun is definately what we make it. Simple is fun! And not to mention inexpensive, which is what we are all about these days!!!!!
Great advice. And you sound like you had so much fun. I am loving our break and really don't want to start Grace in Kindergarten again this week... at least I have monday!