Our sweet daughter, Rachel Elizabeth Brown. Given to us on February 2, 2003!
I remember the day we found out we were going to have our first baby. So many feelings overwhelmed me....pure happiness at the top, excited, scared, nervous and such eager anticipation of what was to come. We had waited a long time for her. By the time she got to us...eleven years to be exact. I remember, while we were waiting all those years, we watched, what seemed like, everyone around us having babies. Starting families. But Gary and I waited. And waited. But when we finally decided it was time to have our own baby, we were blessed, oh so blessed by God.
I remember the day at our ultrasound, waiting to find out what we would be having! I was SURE it was a boy. And I was soooo excited. Nope, I was wrong, it was a girl. In that moment, I heard myself say out loud, "a daughter". Hard for me to admit and even believe now, but I never had this longing for a daughter. I know, strange huh? I REALLY wanted a boy. I have no idea why. But in that moment, that one moment that I heard "a girl", that all changed. Suddenly, all I wanted was our daughter. I dreamed of all to come with the joy of having a daughter. That time truly gave meaning to the fact of God knowing what is best for us. Because what was best for us was to have a little girl.
Rachel is SUCH a girl. She is all girl. She loves dresses, painting her nails, putting clips in her hair, "lipstick" (aka lipgloss) and all the stereotypical things little girls love. She is my heart. I sit and try to file away in my brain these times we have together. The love she gives me so freely, so fully. Hearing her tell me "I love you mommy" will always melt my heart. I try to file these away, because I know the day is coming. The day as it often does for mothers and daughters when I may not be so lucky to hear all of those things so often. I am sure we will "butt heads" often in her teenage years. Yet, I know it is all part of the package. The package of having a mother daughter relationship. I will need to remind myself of that in the future for sure.
But until then, I will sit back and enjoy this perfect little package.....our daughter. I love you Rachel, more than you will ever know!!!