Joshua Thomas Brown, I love you!!! On July 29th 2005, we were given the wonderful gift of our son! Gary and I both really like the name Joshua, so it was. And then, Thomas was given after my dad. My dad passed away when I was just four months old, so I never knew him. But he left me with my name. Not just my last name, but my whole name as he named me. It may seem strange but, still to this day after nearly 38 years, I hold onto that. So I was able to do the same, and give our son a name after his grandpa, who I am sure is with him always. And so everytime I call him JT or hear someone else do so, I think of my father and smile to myself.
JT is the most intense child I know. He does everything intense. He can be the most stubborn little man one second and literally the next, he is like jelly melting into your arms giving you love. He has a heart of gold. He really does. Despite the fact that he likes to yell and hit his sister (such fun in our house), he loves to hug her and is always thinking of her. He will ask often during the day, "is it time for Wachel to come home yet?" When I tell him, not yet, he gives a "ohhhhhh..." in disatisfaction as he looks down at the ground. Then he will quickly ask "is it now mama?" or "in a few minutes wight?" He is in total awe of her. He really is. Last week, as I was getting ready to go pick up Rachel and her sweet friend from school, JT went into the fridge and got out two cheese sticks. Then, he promptly went to Rachel's room. He returned with two princess toys. He then told me, very intently, "I got theeeese for Wachel and Gwacie so they have something to eat and play with on the way home!" Well, as you can imagine, that made my heart melt in every way!
That is what he does. He makes your heart melt. Whether it is his sleepy self dragging his little body into bed next to you at 5:30 in the morning to say "I love you....I lay next to you" or the way his face lights up every night when his daddy comes through the door, or even after he has been naughty and has to say "sowwy" to you, your heart melts. I cannot imagine our lives without him or his love. I love you Joshua Thomas Brown!!!
I love him too! It was so fun to finally get to know him. He was like my little shadow, with so many interesting things to say. Little chatterbox just like my girls are! He is so cute to include Gwacie like she's his cousin or something!
ReplyDeleteThanks Sarah!!! He had lots of fun with you and girls!!!!
ReplyDeleteOkay - it's early in the morning and I face the battle of getting my two out the door in time for school - but I'm so glad I read this. It brought a tear to my eye!
ReplyDeleteWe have a similar dynamic in this house and I hope my J is as thoughtful as JT when he's a little older :)
awww...thanks Annie!!!