When I was 16 years old, the most awesome thing happened to me. I met the most amazing boy. Yes, back then he was a boy. And I was just a girl. Afterall...that was nearly 22 years ago.
I walked into a fast food restaurant, Wendy's, to start my first job. Behind the counter was another employee. I remember he opened the door for me. I remember he smiled back at me when I said "thanks". I remember hearing his voice on the intercom reading off an order as I followed my new manager to the back of the store. I remember it all...because it is truly at the top of the list of defining moments in my life.
Little did I know on that day, in that moment, I had met the best friend of my entire life. Little did I know that in just a little over a year after that time (July 12th 1988 to be exact), I would realize that he would start to be my second "real" boyfriend...which I would eventually come to find out would be my last boyfriend. And little did I know, that just a little over four years after that (August 1, 1992), he would become my husband. My definate better half. My ultimate supporter in every way. My hero everyday. And of course the love of my life.
Since I met Gary, we have certainly been through a lot. New jobs, college graduations, births of babies, deaths in our families, a lot of moves, some hard times and tons of great times. He is the person in my life, that I know, no matter what, I can go to and have that soft place to fall. Or when I have good news, he is the first person I want to share it with. He embodies the phrase of "putting your family first"...in every single way. He loves me unconditionally. He is the most positive role model to our son of what kind of man to be in life. And he is a shining example, for our daughter to see, of what a husband should be and how he should treat you, so she in turn one day can find someone positive and loving to share her life with.
I have worried about a lot of things in my life. I have second guessed myself on a lot of decisions I have made. But, the one thing, that I have never worried about or second guessed myself on is that I found the person in the world that God literally created for me. I found my soul mate. I found my best blessing in life. I found Gary Dean Brown....I love you so much!!!