Yesterday was Rachel's very first fieldtrip!!!! We went to Bok Tower Garden. I must admit, when I first heard of the trip a couple weeks ago, I thought it would not really be much fun to go there for five year olds! I was still excited to be going....but was a bit unsure of the "fun factor" to come!!
I was happily surprised at how much fun the kids had. Me too! I drove myself, but the kiddos got to ride in chartered, air conditioned buses while watching Eric Carle videos! Things have certainly changed since my field trip days!
Once we all arrived,we watched an "informational" movie (requested popcorn from the kids could not be given!!!) Then, we were off on our Sensory Scavenger Hunt , looking for animals, flowers, gardens, the Tower etc.
My four kids were awesome!! Such well behaved kids, loving being free in the warm, outdoors to giggle, learn and just have fun! I loved seeing Rachel with her classmates. So animated and happy. My little girl is growing up so fast....everyday when I think I can't love her anymore, I am proven wrong as she falls deeper into my heart.
After the hunt, we had our picnic lunch and then the kiddos played in the play area!!! So much is expected these days at school...even in Kindergarten. It was so nice to sit back and watch the kids be what they are...KIDS! I am still amazed at how well 90 five and six year olds got along. I have been on a lot of fieldtrips before, from when I was teaching. But this is by far, my favorite one, as I was able to just be with Rachel to relax and have fun!!!
Really, a blessing. A blessing to add to so many other blessings in my life! :)
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