It is almost a month since you reached the milestone of turning 5!!!! I was not very efficient and am just now getting to write my letter to you! Tonight, you are five years and 24 days..........and it is also the eve of you going to Kindergarten!
You are the most amazing boy I know. You are intense, in every single way. You do not do anything halfway. That in itself is a positive force. You are a competitor, even against yourself, like in the Wii when you are playing both Mii's, one in each hand. If you do not beat your high score, you do it again, until you do beat it. Then when you beat it, you are ready to up it again.
You love with your whole heart, which by the way is HUGE! There are times when you are so mad, I think the whole neighborhood must hear you. But there are also the times, when you come to sit next to me and look up at me and simply say, "I love you". I do not get the "lots and lots and lots and lots" like I did about three years ago. But the look in your eyes is EXACTLY the same. The sweetness in your voice is just as sincere. And the love and joy I feel it just as strong. You melt me and little do you know, but at those moments you could ask me for anything, and you would have your wish granted. But you don't ask. You just fall into me and give me the hugs I love.
You are the lucky boy that gets to be Rachel's brother. I know, I know, somedays neither of you see it that way. But trust me, I can see it. I see the love and bond you have for each other. It makes me so incredibly happy because it is real and it will always be a part of your very close relationship. I envision that one day, even though you are the younger one, you will be her protector. You will be there for her in every way. I know it just as sure as I am sitting here typing this. She is such a blessed and lucky girl to have you. And rest assured, she will definately be there for you in every single way too.
So much happened this last year with you! You took off in riding a bike, you slept on the top bunk for the first time, you adjusted to mommy going back to work, you had your first sleepovers with friends, the list goes on and on. You had a very busy year!
One of the biggest things you did was that you went to PreK after being home with me for 4 years. And........ after just two and a half short months into it, yes that is how long it took, you finally decided one morning to not run to the back of the van and hide at drop off, to not ask me for the hundreth time to "pleeeeease just homeschool me", and to not test me by saying, " I can't go today, I am sick." (Yes, like I said you are intense.) It was on that day back in late October, you started climbing out of the van on your own, saying good morning to your teachers while not COMPLETELY hiding behind me and of course, my favorite part hugging and kissing me goodbye while saying a simple "see you soon mama".
Tomorrow, your daddy and I will be taking you to school for your very first day of Kindergarten. So hard to imagine. I have cried a lot of tears while off on my own this last week. Part of me has been looking forward to this day for you. But a big part of me has been dreading it! I know you will be amazing, as you always are. We may or may not have bumps like in the beginning months of PreK. But you will shine, no matter what. I think to myself, the best is yet to come. You are on your way to being more independent, more capable of so many things and more of figuring out a little bit about who you are JT! That is what growing up means. There is a lot of it ahead in the years to come for you. And you WILL get it all done, in your very own way on your own time. But until then, I will enjoy our son. Our five year old son who is right where he needs to be!!!!
I love you....infinity times infinity!!!!!! All is right with you by my side!!!
Happy Birthday sweet boy!!!!!! While it may be a little bit late on this blog, it was right on time in my heart!
Mama xoxoxoxo
I am touched by this! Happy birthday JT. And Kristen, I am going through my own heartache watching my Ruby be old enough to go to Kindergarten. Too hard! Love you guys.