Rachel very excited to open up one of Grammy's presents...her very own cupcake maker! She loved it...and now thinks "it will be very fun to make one every day after school!!!"
He fell asleep tonight saying " I am going to keep my eyes open so I can watch my GeoTrax all night!"
The VSmile Motion.........they looved it...thanks Uncle Denny and Aunt Sylvia!!! Rachel is especially proud in this picture to be winning the race to the bottom of the ski slope and beating JT!!! That is okay, JT came back in the next round!!
SuperGirl...aka Rachel She is about to take off into the sky. She wore this all day...not bad for a three dollar find after Halloween........jeez I am really getting cheap!!!
Another present from Santa!!!! PIXOS....mommy already looooves picking these up off the floor...hmmm with 500 little, teeny tiny balls...they will be gone in a month is my bet!
JT loved is "cuttable" sandwich kit and Rachel loved her "cuttable" fruit and veggies kit from Aunt Donna and Uncle Louie....also they got some awesome Dr. Suess games from them!!!! So fun...Dr. Suess will always be our favorite

They are OFF....the gate was opened and they RAN to the presents. I think they were the most excited this year than any other year yet!!!
Santa Money from their stockings....Rachel really thought that was cool!
The picture that came before it all started.......at SIX AM this morning. They were bright eyed as always. I was picking my eyelids up off the floor...that is what I get for making our Elf video at two oclock in the morning.......exhaustion!!!
They are OFF....the gate was opened and they RAN to the presents. I think they were the most excited this year than any other year yet!!!
We had an awesome day. We played, and played, and fought a bit too over each others new toys and who would play with them first! We are so blessed in so many ways. The biggest of which is our family, both here and away.
Everyone was with us today...even though it was only the four of us at home, everyone else was here too...in our hearts!
MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!!!!
Love from all of us!!!
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