It is late. Everyone here is asleep. I told myself an hour ago, I am going to sleep. Here I sit, typing, setting up my new blog. I really should be sleeping. In the morning, when everyone else is awake and happy, I will be wishing I could hit the snooze button for the fifteenth time. When everyone else is wanting to eat breakfast, I will be lucky to be whipping together some pancakes. Not homemade pancakes...microwave pancakes.
It is quiet in the house. A sound that is not heard very often around here. I can hear the fan whirling around. As well as about a billion thoughts about today and all the things to do tomorrow.
I watched them all in the car on the way home tonight from Christmas caroling. JT, slumped over in his carseat, snoring because his head could not seem to stay upright as he slept. I never knew how different it would be to have a son than a daughter. The way I feel when he calls me mama. How I love to tease him when he takes my kisses and wipes them off. I think about one day, how he will be a father. So many years from now. But with God's will, it will happen. Hopefully he will be over wiping off kisses, at least from his future wife!
Rachel and Gary were in the back of the van. She had asked him to sit next to her on the way home, now there she was, sleeping so peacefully leaning against him. I loved seeing it. Not just because it was so rare for her to actually sleep in the car, but more importantly anytime I see her with him I love it. She has one thing that I couldn't. What more can you ask for with your child. I wonder if she knows just how lucky she is to have him. Of course not, she shouldn't. It should be a given for her daddy to be there. One day, she will know. One day, maybe when she is watching her own daughter quietly sleep next to her husband. She will see that magic, that bond around them. Then she will realize the overwhelming blessing she has with him. Maybe she does realize...he was the one she asked to carry her to bed when we got home.
I carried JT inside, changed his clothes to his pajamas and put him in his bed. The whole time, he didn't wake once or even slumber from his sleep. Hopefully he will not dream of the the siren that awoke him way to early this morning from the alarm that went off when we let Brandi out....but didn't turn the alarm off first. He rolled over, tucked his legs up to make himself into little ball. I gave him one last kiss goodnight. And as I looked at him, I realized how blessed I am not only to have him, but that at least one kiss wouldn't get wiped off today.
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