Tonight, Gary and I sat together and finally got to catch up on some television shows we had taped from the week. One of my favorites is Private Practice. My hubby likes it too.....although I know he watches it for me more than himself. He is just like that. He does for me before himself.
I am spoiled....by Gary. My own family, first and foremost my mom, would be the first to insist on that. He has done this for me, to me, since we were literally kids. I am blessed...by God who gave Gary to me some 21 plus years ago.
So, today is my amazing husband's birthday. I have been blessed to spend 22 of these days with him on February 20th for so many years. It is on his birthday that I am somehow more aware of the blessing he is in my life.
We have grown up together. Literally. So much time and so many events have passed through our hands over these last two decades. I truly believe, with my whole heart he is the one person just for me. I truly believe that he is the biggest blessing in my life. And I truly believe through a series of events in each of our lives before we ever even met, some happy and some not so happy, it was all for one day our paths to cross and we would meet the person we were born to be with for always. He is my rock. He is my soft place to fall. He is the last thing I want to see before I fall asleep and the first thing I want to see when I wake up in the morning. And I can see myself wanting that for the next 100 years if it was at all possible.
I have always believed Gary to be my very best friend. But tonight, as something was said on that show I love, Private Practice, I realized he is so much more than my best friend. He is simply and importantly....my anyway friend.
Yes, my anyway friend is truly what he is and always has been. When I have screwed up, he was there letting my know how much he loves me. When I had something exciting I did or wanted to share, he was there to let me know how much he loves me. When I was scared, he was there to let me know how much he loves me. Basically, no matter what, he was and is always there to love me.
That is what your anyway friend is. It is the person in your life that is there for you no matter what has happened that day, that week, that month, that year or that decade! It doesn't matter what you tell that person. The person is always there for you. Regardless. There for you ......anyway!
Happy Birthday Gary!!!! I love you with my whole heart. Thank-you for being my husband. Thanks for being you. And thank-you for being not only my best friend in the entire world...but my anyway friend as well!!!!!!! xoxoxo
Loved this post. I feel lucky too! I miss you K!