You are seven now! So hard to believe that you have been a part of our lives for seven, beautiful blessed years. It has certainly flown by in so many ways. You are our oldest. Being the oldest means that you were the precious gift God gave to your daddy and I first!
We waited ...and waited to have you. There were many times that waiting almost broke our hearts. I remember thinking everyone around us is having babies...why do we WAIT? We waited to finish up college, waited to get started in our careers, waited to be as stable as we could. So much waiting!!!! But when we finally decided enough of the waiting, the wondering, the longing......you were given to us right away! We found out we would have a little girl. We were beyond thrilled.
When we saw you, your daddy and I cried tears of joy we had never known before. The very first moment you see your child is something that cannot be put into words. It is something so far beyond pure joy, you remember every second of it, literally as if it just happened. One day, you too will have that memory of your own child or children forever imprinted in your memory. It is priceless. As you are Rachel.
We waited a long time for you. But it was because of how long we waited, we have YOU! Now seven years later, not one day of that long waiting matters. Because, in the blink of an eye our world was instantly perfect. That is because we had you.
We love you more than we could ever say or show you!!!! And are just as proud seven years later of the girl you are. And I can only imagine the young woman you will become one day. I am sure no matter how I try, that to will be in the blink of an eye. Until then, you can be sure I will be keeping both eyes open wide and on you as to not miss a second of everything you grow to be. xoxoxo
All my love,
She is beautiful Kristen. I loved reading this little letter. All so true. We love her so much. Will chat soon. We love you.